Event name
Volunteer Meeting
Tue 09 / 17 / 2024
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Chris Tunison's home
2544 Traymore Rd.
University Hts. OH 44118
2544 Traymore Rd.
University Hts. OH 44118
Who can attend
Volunteers only
Limited Capacity: 29 spots available
Paul Sobel
Beverages/light dinner provided.
We will discuss;
- Volunteer activities to date,
- The need for more newer volunteers to get involved,
- Hear from longer-term vols what they want VIH to do more of or do better at,
- Our visitation program,
- Our Houseworks (home handy people) program,
- Ways to train better
Please RSVP/register no later than Monday, September 9th.